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Zabawa stymuląca lewą i prawą półkulę mozgu jest kluczem dla wspaniałego rozwoju poznawczego dzieci.

Czy wiedziałeś żę najpierw się rozwija prawa półkula?

Do czasu, kiedy dzieci osiągają wiek 4 lat, w większości się formuje prawa półkula. Lewa półkula mózgu nie aktuwuje się w całości aż do wieku 7 lat, To oznacza że pierwsze 7 lat są najważniejsze w rozwoju dziecka.

“Logika przwiedzie cię z punktu A do punktu B. Weobraźnia przywiedzie cię wszędzie. ~ Albert Einstein.

Lewa półkula jest racjonalna, mierząca, organizująca, nasza część, któa nas trzyma przy realności, dzisiejszej i jutrzejszej. Z drugiej strony, Prawa półkula, jest odpowiedzialna za empatję, intuicję, weobraźnię, i kreatywność. Tam weobraamy, marzymy, czymy się i żyjemy pełnią.

Zdolność dziecka się koreluje z ich dominującą aktywnością mózgową.

Left-brain oriented learners tend to like structure, focus on details, enjoy organisation and logic, and are able to express themselves with words. Memorisation comes easily, and left-brained learners tend to learn best by repetition. These children work effectively with a step-by-step sequential approach, like to work independently, have a strong sense of time, and are objective. Writing and spelling generally come easily to these learners, and they tend to learn well from instruction. Arithmetic, with its logical, sequential steps, is also a subject in which left-brained children often excel, although conceptual mathematical subjects such as geometry may be challenging. Left-brained children tend to benefit from an auditory teaching style, and often demonstrate academic aptitude early on.

Right-brain oriented learners, on the other hand, are visual. They focus on holistic concepts rather than details, tend to be unstructured and impulsive, and are usually very creative, often demonstrating proficiency in art or music. These child do not enjoy working independently; they learn best from discussion, interaction, cooperation and involvement with whatever they are learning. Right-brained children think in pictures rather than words, generally have a good sense of spatial orientation (but not a good sense of time), and are attuned to emotions. These children prefer the main idea to the details, and often learn in spurts rather than in a steady sequence. Right-brain oriented learners often come to conclusions intuitively, without knowing the steps by which they got to the answer, and often prefer a visual and/or kinaesthetic teaching style. It is not uncommon for right-brain oriented children to be “late bloomers” academically.

While research has demonstrated that we use all of our brain in processing information, children tend to display characteristics associated with the different hemispheres of the brain, depending on whether they are more right-brain oriented, or left-brain oriented. For example, If you're having trouble in your homeschool with a child who isn't learning, he or she might have right-brain learning characteristics.

Encouraging playful yet challenging activities that help them use their non-dominant brain is encouraged for the overall cognitive development in kids.

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