Things you can control as parents
Tip and tricks for new parents
About kids, time management and games - Another great article from WSJ
How to make Parenting easy
Here’s why you should teach your kid to do basic chores.
Here’s how you can develop a Growth Mindset in your child.
Parent your kid to be EMPATHETIC with Pamakid
Teach your kids to be problem solvers.
Develop financial literacy in kids in a fun way.
Teach productivity & being independent to your child in a fun way with Pamakid app.
Identify your child’s interest in just 4 steps!
Cognitive development of children with Pamakid
Reasons why having a routine is important for your child
Make your child a good communicator with Pamakid!
Holistic development of a child during the early years
Keep your kids motivated by this simple technique.
Do you know what your child’s strengths and weaknesses are?
Let’s increase your child’s attention span.
Inspire your kids with positive parenting, as a single parent.
What your parenting style is and how you can improve it.